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The NSFW Sequel to Monster Lover: Balasque! Go here to play the demo and add Monster Lover 2 to your Wishlist now so you don’t miss the launch discount!

Our main character has been a screw-up his entire life. That’s what led him to his life of crime. His screw-ups now have higher stakes, and that’s where the demon Ambrosilas comes in. Can this sexy murder genie get him out of his latest life or death blunder?
Ambrosilas has one mission: kill bad people to make the world a better place. He’s not about to be the puppet of a worthless criminal!
The rules are set in stone: Give him someone worthy of death to kill or he kills the one who summoned him. But what does our main character do when his target isn’t worthy of death? He really didn’t think this through…as per usual.
He needs Ambrosila’s help if he wants to stay alive, but the demon isn’t going out of his way for a criminal.
“But you said I was at least nice to look at?”
It’s true, his criminal master is a handsome mortal, and the more he gets to know him the more he realizes he might not be so worthless after all. Perhaps he can help him…for a price.
Our main character is surprised at how attracted he is to Ambrosilas. He’s got no one else to turn to…and he doesn’t mind when he’s pulled into the demon’s arms.
Monster Lover 2: Ambrosilas is the visual novel sequel to Monster Lover: Balasque! New human, new demon, and loads of monster loving!
The Monster Lover 2 Visual Novel Dating Sim Contains:
- 50,000 Words
- Scintillating CGs (Pinup Images)
- Eight Different Possible Endings
- Gorgeous Semi-Realistic Art

Who Are We
Y Press Games evolved from the manga publishing company Yaoi Press. Our first game came out in 2018, and we have 15 titles published to date.