Dear Monster, one of Y Press Games’ upcoming releases, is now available for wishlist! Putting it on your wish list shows how much you’re looking forward to this game, so the more the better!
On top of that, you can enjoy the available demo and find some spicy scenes ?. Visit the Dear Monster page on Steam here.

Also, our Patreon already offers future rewards from Dear Monster and other games released to those who support our Patreon! You can get mousepads like these and various other items by becoming a Patron. Become now!

Unfinished Business
Ever wonder what happens at the end of Alpha Hole Prison? Alpha Hole Prison: Unfinished Business shows what happens after Miguel is released, leaving Viz-Goth and Reaver with an issue to resolve between them. Play right now!
Don’t have the base game? Click here.

Forbbiden romances
What could happen between an extremely powerful elder vampire and an apprentice to a family of vampire hunters? Falling in love, of course! Follow the plot of Dusty and Thalos in 5 episodes as they discover feelings they never imagined would grow on Steam!

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