Hello all! If you’re a member of our Discord you’ll notice a new channel available to all members! We’ve been giving daily logs of our work on our different games!
Both me (Yamila) and programmer Nautilus have been dropping by to keep people up to date on what we’re working on.
There’s already one month worth of logs. Here’s a summary of what we’ve posted about this month:

- The Slagathor Route for Dear Monster is Nearly Ready! (And the hiccups along the way.)
- The Beta for the Kurdan Route of Orc Covenant is live to Beta-Testers ($125+ on the Kickstarter.)
- The first draft of the script for Orc Covenant is complete.
- Monster Lover is complete and Beta codes for the full game went out to Beta-Testers ($35+ on the Kickstarter).
- One of Y Press Games will be on the Dorian Live App.
- Rough sketches for all character Sprites in Oni Onsen were approved, and two final Neutral Sprites were shared.
- We have a logo for Oni Onsen!
We’ll try to post summaries of the dev logs out on a monthly basis!
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