Y Press Games
Developer and Publisher of Gay Visual Novels!

The NEW To Trust an Incubus Demo!
The To Trust an Incubus Demo was completely rewritten!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/702614894/to-trust-an-incubus-bara-yaoi-bl-gay-dating-sim-vi/posts/2133647

We Are Funded!
To Trust an Incubus Yaoi/Bara Kickstarter is Funded!! Thanks so much everyone! Read the update here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/702614894/to-trust-an-incubus-bara-yaoi-bl-gay-dating-sim-vi/posts/2132302
Queer Fundanshi!
https://youtu.be/PgO99b4yIl0 Thanks for the mention!!
Kosen updates the To Trust an Incubus Kickstarter
Read the update here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/702614894/to-trust-an-incubus-bara-yaoi-bl-gay-dating-sim-vi/posts/2129896

Vald Stripped!
Read this Kickstarter Update Here We got 200 Followers on the Y Press Games Twitter! WHOOOO! That means the goal is halfway complete and Vald had to show some skin! (You should see him from behind!) That last little scrap comes off after we get 62 more retweets of […]
Thunderclap To Trust an Incubus for Some Free Yaoi Ebooks!!
We’re running a Thunderclap for To Trust an Incubus. This is an app that will blast a single message about our project on the Facebooks, Twitters, and Tumblrs of the people willing to help us. Our Thunderclap is set to run on March 20, BUT ONLY IF WE GET […]

Those Yummy Creators at Yaoi Press Have Another Awesome Project!
Thanks Yaoi Playground!!
To Trust an Incubus Kickstarter Update!
Another update to our Kickstarter! Introducing Yamila! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/702614894/to-trust-an-incubus-bara-yaoi-bl-gay-dating-sim-vi/posts/2123292

Looking for Thunderclappers!!
Well…we don’t know if this is going to work, but we had to try, right? Will you help support our Thunderclap for the To Trust an Incubus Yaoi Game Kickstarter? https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/68426-help-our-bara-yaoi-kickstarter The clap will go out on March 20, right when we’ll be slowing down. We could use […]