Category: Uncategorized

Alpha Hole Prison Kickstarter!

Alpha Hole Prison Kickstarter is finally OPEN!! You can support us HERE. Help us reach the goal of 40,000 US$! We really need your help with the goal! Earthling Miguel Santos has been sentenced to life at Alpha Hole, a notorious space prison. His survival depends on using […]

The Y Press Games Newsletter

What’s New? Big news! We’ve hired a new social media manager. Y Press Games is getting bigger, and we really need the help. Please help welcome Anna to the Y Press Games family! Coming Soon We’ve got so many exciting things to talk about! First of all, Mister […]


Good Lord! Why is Rexillator choking Reaver? (And why is Reaver so calm?) Alpha Hole Prison!

Alpha Hole Prison Fund Raising

?Hi Everyone! First off, Mister Versatile ended with $35,500!  Do you know what that means?  We made more on the Mister Versatile Kickstarter during Covid-19 than we did on Morningdew Farms during the peak of the economy!  That was amazing! Thanks to all of you who supported us, […]

Last Chance For Mister Versatile!

Only Days Left! Yes, we’re still trying to make our Coronavirus era Kickstarter a success. Mister Versatile is an AMAZING game and deserves better than this! A game like this should have been on par with To Trust an Incubus, which made close to $50,000 and catapulted our […]

Join our Discord

If you follow Y Press Games on Facebook, Twitter,, Steam discussions, Itch devlogs, and Instagram, you are only seeing the promotional side of the business. From that angle it may appear we don’t care about the pandemic and are just trying to get our Kickstarter funded. To […]

Awesome YouTuber!

Check out this hilarious video!  And don’t forget to support Mister Versatile. We’re still not funded!