Imagine living in a shared house around several attractive guys… Haru lives this routine every day when he decided it that would be a good time to get a fresh start. Get to know a little more about your housemates here! Who knows, maybe even have some romance… ?

Power or love?
If you want to become a great wizard, a mentor is essential. But to have a demon mentor, would you give your love in exchange for power? Tristan needs help with this important decision of his life. Visit him right now!

Help on Patreon!
New rewards in Patreon! Dear Monster is close to its crowdfunding, but Patreon is also a good start for its support! Besides, who doesn’t like rewards, right? Become a Patron!

Source: Yaoist
Categories: Crowdfunding, My Magical Demon Lover, Sentimental Trickster