Author Archives

Y Press Games

Developer and Publisher of Gay Visual Novels!

Help Us Make Morningdew Farms Amazing!

MEGA UPDATE! Have you seen our Kickstarter?  We’re nearly to goal with weeks to spare! WOOOOOO! Jeb celebrates our progress The art work for Morningdew Farms is nearly complete and we’re hashing out a few things on the script. (Seriously, we’re working our butts off while the Kickstarter […]

Morningdew Farms: A Gay Farming Games Kickstarter!

[youtube] We need your help to make this game!  Sweet southern boy Cody always dreamed of living off the land.  Now he’s inherited his granddaddy’s old farm and can begin a wonderful new life in the village of Morningdew–a notorious Gayborhood! Cody will need to work hard […]

Cannibal Lottery Press Kit

Welcome to the Cannibal Lottery Press page.  Here you should find any info you might need to post articles or get more informed about Cannibal Lottery.  If you need any additional information, let us know and we’ll make it available. Fact Sheet Developer: Y Press Games; Based in New […]