Hello Everyone!
Some amazing things have been happening! First off, our game, My Magical Demon Lover will go on sale on Steam October 2nd.

If you’re logged into your Steam account you can see the coming soon page here:
This is HUGE NEWS for To Trust an Incubus!
MMDL was one of the adult titles held up by the new adult filters Steam was building for their store. The background on the issue is long and complex, but what you should know is that we submitted MMDL to Steam on May 15th 2018 and had no idea if/when the title would be accepted. I thought we might not have TTAI on there in time to deliver rewards! But they backlog is over! Adult titles are being allowed in.
Caveat: MMDL is not as “adult” as TTAI. You won’t see any wangs or butts or wangs going into butts, but lots of sexual content is implied in the text and images.
We are going to attempt submitting TTAI to Steam without censorship. If that works out, great! If not, we’ll censor and create a patch. My hope is that we can get TTAI through in 3 weeks so you can get your Steam keys in November as promised. If there’s any kind of delay our back up is Itch.io.
WE WILL DELIVER THIS KICKSTARTER ON TIME!!! Digital rewards in November, Physical rewards in December.
Our Progress
We have all the art for the game complete except for six images that constitute the after-ending / incubus spouse scenes for the Vald and Saji routes. I’ve given an ultimatum to our last two spouses to help us craft their scenes. The game will not be delayed if they don’t get their info to us in time.
My awesome programmer Vivichibi is testing the preliminary Saji route right now. It’s just as huge as the Vald route, meaning it’s double the size of the Devi and Harsi routes. I’m going to test things after she does, then you’ll get this FINAL BETA hopefully by the 23rd.
There is A LOT more voice acting in this beta. We have over 7,000 lines done out of around 13,000 lines or more total. Thanks Steve Warky Nunez for busting your butt! Thousands of lines come in every day. You’ll get to enjoy some sextacular moaning in one of Saji’s sex scenes.
Seriously guys–it’s SOOOOOOO much hotter now that you can hear the characters voices. I really underestimated how much great voice acting could add to our game. I’m actually happy we made the Full Voice acting stretch goal! (Even though it added an asstastic amount of work for everyone…!)
You are getting 3 minigames. Yes, I wanted to do one per route, but we’ve run out of money (not including the money I have saved for the last six images, the voice acting, the physical rewards/shipping, and the programming–I’m very meticulous with budgets). The three games we have are super fun and challenging! Please remember: we never hit the minigames stretch goal so this was a bonus to begin with.
What does all our hard work add up to in the end? Here are your totals:
- 35 Endings! THIRTY-FIVE!!! Can you believe that?!
- Over 150k words. The game is hugetastic. In fact…
- The Cheat Map is over 100 pages!!! (Thanks to our awesome editor Emily for creating it, because Vivichibi and I were too danged busy!) It includes a clickable index to get to whatever part you need.
- 50 Steam Achievements!!
- 3 Minigames!
- Over 200 CGs
- 17 Original Songs for the Soundtrack
You guys got us $47k on this Kickstarter and we put almost every penny toward giving you the most awesome, satisfying, sexy, romantic, funny, angsty, story-rich game possible.
The month of October is our time to finish the voice acting, get those last images and scenes nailed down, and test, test, test! By the end of the month we should be ready to submit the game to online outlets (we hope, but you will get it in November no matter what).
The Kickstarter/Coffee Rewards
So you have the game info, how about the other stuff? The Harsi ebook is finished and the Devi ebook is being written right now. I have a schedule to get all four ebooks done throughout October.
The Cheat Map has been tackled by our awesome editor and is almost complete.
I’ll be getting the files for the Soundtrack together in October. The songs are finished, but I want to add in some of the best lines from the game between each track.
The Art Book is at the printer right now for the physical copy. They’re saying I should have the books by October 8th. The Digital Art Book is much longer than the 64 page physical Art Book since why not? I’m finishing that up now.
Everyone entitled to a Personalized Voice Message from one of the game characters who turned in their surveys has had their message added to the master script for the voice actors to record. PEOPLE: Get your surveys back by the end of this month!! Otherwise you might be stuck with a message from me. :p
If you supported the game through Buy Me a Coffee, and signed up for ‘All Digital Rewards’ then you got a survey emailed to you a few days ago. Two emails came back as undeliverable. These people are going to have to reach out to us to get their rewards. If this is you–COMMENT! We need your info to make sure you get your rewards!
Seriously, if we get a last minute request in October it’s possible the actor in question has already finished their lines and been paid. We can’t call them back to the studio after that. Turn in your surveys ASAP.

We have the Key Chains, Mouse Pads, and Dakimakura in hand. On the back of that dakimakura is Saji, btw. I’m sorry I can’t mail it to you guys bit by bit. The shipping amount you paid was for one package, and I need to get the physical copy of the game and all the other rewards in hand before I can ship.
I had to order minimum quantities of all these items from China, so there will be some leftovers. As I said, I’ll give you guys first crack at them before letting Warky sell them at conventions. I think I’ll have 5 dakimakuras and 6 mouse pads when it’s all said and done, but I’m not sure yet.
I am making the buttons myself, I’m waiting for final surveys before creating the badges, I’m making the adult post cards myself, and I’ll order posters soon.
SO, there’s your update! Beta-Testers will get another update with the Saji Route, and basically almost the entire game, in two days. 🙂
Categories: My Magical Demon Lover, To Trust an Incubus
Hey, i think i Forgot To full in the survey and cant find it in my email. Can you send it back please?
You got it!
Hey did you send the final beta yet? It’s said we Will receive an update 2 days from 22nd september but i haven’t received anything yet ? ^^
We sent it 3 days ago, Chibimonkey. I emailed you the same day letting you know your Dropbox had been updated with the new beta. 🙂
Oh Ok thanks a lot