Tag: bara

Only 10 Days Left to Support To Trust an Incubus!

Thanks to all the backers who’ve helped make this project a reality.  For everyone else–time is running out!  Please back us today before it’s too late! We’ve met these stretch goals! A Raiden/Arata Scene! Our austere Professor finds Love with his Frisky Assistant! Threesome Endings!  Each route gives an […]

Youtubers Show Their Love!

Hi Everyone! As part of our promotional efforts we’ve emailed a lot of YouTubers hoping they’d produce videos based on our humble demo.  To our shock and delight–many have done just that!  (This is for our Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/702614894/to-trust-an-incubus-bara-yaoi-bl-gay-dating-sim-vi/ ) Here are some lovely videos of the demo.  These videos […]

Wanna Be an NPC?

We haven’t sold any of these VIP perks, and that’s okay. We made it to goal without needing them. But still…so much potential is being overlooked. Not only do you get to give input on your character’s image and lines in the game, not only do you get […]

To to Bottom Podcast!

Yaoimila recently did a podcast interview with the lovely women from Top to Bottom about To Trust an Incubus.  A lot of interesting things were discussed, including the next game we have planned.  Give a listen here: https://www.toptobotmpodcast.com/single-post/2018/03/19/To-Trust-an-Incubus-Visual-Novel