Category: Crowdfunding

We need your support!!

Hardcore Cruising, our new game is sorely in need of help!! We have less than 5 days to run out of time on Kickstarter and we’re still needing $7,000 to hit the goal. Support us on Kickstarter so we can’t fail! We don’t want this sexy game to end up […]

Hardcore Cruising Kickstarter!

Please support our Kickstarter so we can make this game! All aboard the HMS Size Queen! New crewman Milo Barre has started work on his first cruise. He always dreamed of working for this illustrious cruise line, but his big brother bullied him by saying he wasn’t slutty enough to […]

Hardcore Cruising Kickstarter Cometh!

All aboard the HMS Flaming Star! New crewman Milo Barre has started work on his first cruise. He always dreamed of working for this illustrious cruise line, but his big brother bullied him by saying he wasn’t slutty enough to make it. Can Milo prove him wrong and […]

Vampire Slave Kickstarter

Next month, we will make Kickstarter available for one of our newest projects at the moment: Vampire Slave! We’d love your future support, so click in “Remind me” button for to find out when release! About the game: Dusty is the next in line to lead the Vampire Hunting organization Jagerin, that’s why […]

Maelstrom Flash Indiegogo!

Hey you awesome supporters, we’ve got some huge news!  Another awesome yaoi game is coming from Y Press Games!   Maelstrom: A Yaoi Visual Novel Disgraced soldier Demetri is exiled to Secren, a dangerous world devoid of women. Earthlings are smaller and weaker than the violent men of Secren. […]

We’ve Hit Stretch Goals!

There’s less than 2 days left for our biggest Kickstarter ever, and we’ve hit some stretch goals!! *Two Love Interests Get it On!*All Characters Versatile! Even Rexillator and Viz-Goth! “What a minute,” you say, how can this be? “That first stretch goal costs $45,000 and we’re only at […]

Please Help Alpha Hole Prison

Hey Everyone,We’re sorry to bug you. It’s about Alpha Hole Prison and the Kickstarter…well, it’s doing terribly. We didn’t want to do another Kickstarter, but this game is so big we needed to. It’s our largest game ever. Three times the size of To Trust an Incubus. […]

Alpha Hole Prison Kickstarter LIVE!!!

We’ve launched the Kickstarter for our biggest game ever, and WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please go here to play the demo and support the game! Earthling Miguel Santos has been sentenced to life at Alpha Hole, a notorious space prison.  His survival depends on using his charms to […]